Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Those who came from the sky

We know statistically that there has to be life in the universe outside of us. There is evidence that "ancient astronauts" as some call them came to earth thousands of years ago. Some believe that they created the modern human.  I think they could have bred with humans or genetically altered a few, but it's likely we were developing anyway.  Often refer to as sky gods & named Annunaki or Elohim were a race of visitors. No matter whether they created us or educated us, no one has taken that to the next level of questioning. Who created them? No one asks! So many theories about where we came from, but what about where the visitors to our planet who are obviously well advanced beyond us came from.  There are greater universal truths we must find beyond our worldly truths.

Look Closer
Dig Deeper
Become Aware

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