Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God by any other name...

Inspired by this article.
I have long adored the idea of using mathematics to express the creation that so many religions claimed to be the authority on. When I discovered fractals I thought, here it is, the source of natures beauty and function. Then when I finally delved deep enough into Sacred Geometry I knew I truly found the key to understanding existence. However having the key isn't enough, I am still learning to use it in an effort to have a more profound effect on the world around me.
Yet mathematics isn't what I want to discuss today. Rather I want to speak of my never ending battle with the use of the word, GOD. I was raised United Methodist and because of this I have a strong aversion to this term as it comes with all kinds of unwanted and unnecessary associations such as personifying the essence of existence, and as a man at that. Using the name to demand ones own view as the end all say all and justification for choices that are wholly their own.
No I'm not fond of it, because if I say God when I'm describing the all and the one, the unifying essence that is impossible to describe in words the listener would assign their own collection of interpretations such as prayer answerer, angry, controls, non existent, etc. I prefer to use the terms 'the universe' or 'existence' when talking about the 'higher power' and I don't even like higher power as that indicates it is separate or above us and has control when the reality is that it is both within and around us and we are in control. Collectively we and all other sentient beings get to experience 'god' which is the purpose of creation, to be.

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