Traffic is an excellent example of how disconnected we are from the world around us and each other. So many motorists texting or participating in other distractions rather then be fully aware of the big heavy object they are hurtling forward in and the objects around them. Not only are so many people on auto-pilot but they also think of everyone else as an obstacle to get around, there is so little communication. It's a treat for me when others use their turn signals and merge cooperatively instead of forcefully or absent minded.
It is also excellent to see the few motorists willing to warn one another about something happening to their car. Or those who stop to lend a hand. I was lucky enough to experience this sense of social effort today, shortly after I had the thought of how strange it was that so many were focused on their phones instead of the road.
Life should not be lived by impulse alone, that leads to an unfulfilled existence always chasing the things that are being fed to you for someone else's benefit at your loss. This modern social culture and business culture is all predators and prey rather symbiosis. I among others are working to be the change we want to see, but until we reach critical mass of aware and consciousness people there will be a lot of impulse driven fools for us to navigate around or figure out how to co-exist with.
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